The Line Between Good and Great

The Line Between Good and Great

Authored by Rodhe Sport Athletes (RSA)


The separation between good athletes and great athletes can be summed up in that one word. As athletes, we naturally sacrifice. We give up weekends, time with friends, and a lot of other extra curricular activities to pursue something we love. There’s no shame in that, and it only strengthens our appreciation for the sport. However, these sacrifices are but a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things. To achieve greatness, we must make great sacrifices. That is where the line is drawn between good and great.

So what are these sacrifices that are required? They vary from athlete to athlete, but there is a common theme; change. Change equates to the giving up of stability and comfort. Sacrificing the consistency and uniformity of your life is essential to seeing growth as people and athletes. Moving out of your parent’s house and relocating to train with a coach full-time is a perfect example of one of the personal sacrifices that comes with greatness.

It sounds simple. Accept changes, make sacrifices, and greatness will come. But, it’s not that simple. If it were, everybody would be great. So what holds us back from reaching new levels? Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, and fear of unfamiliarity. These are the deterrents for athletes in any discipline. Overcoming our fears is the first step to breaking barriers and reaching new levels of training and results.

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